Chopping board conditioner application guide

Beeswax conditioner is a popular choice for maintaining and enhancing the appearance of wooden chopping boards. This application guide will take you through the step-by-step process of applying this conditioner to ensure a well-nourished, protected, and beautiful chopping surface.

Materials Needed:

  1. Beeswax conditioner

  2. Clean, lint-free cloths or applicator pads

  3. Fine-grit sandpaper 220-320 grit (optional)

  4. Mild dish soap

  5. Warm water

  6. Soft-bristle brush or sponge

  7. Towels or Kitchen roll

Step 1:

Start by cleaning the chopping board thoroughly. Use a soft-bristle brush or sponge, mild dish soap, and warm water to remove any food residues, stains, or bacteria. Pat it dry with towels or kitchen roll. Ensure the board is completely dry before proceeding. Never soak your wooden chopping board in water

Step 2:

Sand the Surface (If Needed) If the chopping board has rough spots or scratches, lightly sand the surface using fine-grit sandpaper (220-320 grit). Sand in the direction of the wood grain to avoid creating new scratches. Wipe away any dust with a clean cloth (optional)

Step 3:

Apply the conditioner generously onto the chopping board using a clean, lint-free cloth or applicator pad. Ensure complete coverage, focusing on dry or exposed areas. Let the conditioner penetrate the wood for about 20-30 minutes.

Step 4:

After the conditioning period, use a clean cloth to wipe off any excess conditioner. This step is crucial to prevent a sticky or greasy feel on the surface. Ensure thorough removal while leaving a thin, even layer of the conditioner on the wood.

Step 5:

For an extra smooth and lustrous finish, you can buff the surface with a clean, dry cloth after the conditioner has dried. This step is optional but can enhance the appearance of the chopping board.

Step 6:

Depending on usage and exposure, you may need to reapply the beeswax conditioner periodically. Follow the same application process to keep your chopping board well-maintained and protected.

Step 7:

Clean your chopping board regularly with a mild dish soap and warm water, avoiding harsh chemicals or abrasive pads. Reapply the beeswax conditioner as needed to maintain its appearance and protective qualities.


On New/unseasoned boards we would always recommend applying our pure mineral oil before our beeswax conditioner.


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